Traveling Portable Oxygen Cylinder


Key Features:

  • Type: Standard
  • Weight: 15 kg
  • Height: 3 ft
  • Pressure: 2000 liters
  • Flow Rate: Up to 15 liters per minute

Traveling Portable Oxygen Cylinder Price in BD

Now get this Traveling Portable Oxygen Cylinder at the best price in Bangladesh of only Tk 15,000! Acquire this high-premium device from BD Medical Store in Dhaka at the best price, available 24*7 at your doorstep.

Product Description

Stay connected and breathe easy with our Portable Oxygen Cylinder. Made to combine convenience and portability into one device, this portable unit allows a patient to take oxygen therapy on the go while ensuring a reliable source of supplemental oxygen. Equipped with a flow rate of 2 liters per minute, this cylinder comes in handy at home or in times of emergency. A cylinder capacity of up to 0.7 cubic meters will let this be a useful oxygen source when one needs it the most. It withstands a pressure of up to 1500 Litter PSI, which is assurance that the equipment will have a continuous flow of oxygen when required. This Portable Oxygen Cylinder will grant freedom to patients or caregivers to live life in their way.

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